Extended Syntax

These elements extend the basic syntax by adding additional features. Not all Markdown applications support these elements.

Fenced Code Block

This is how a Fenced Code Block is displayed:

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "age": 25

This is how a Fenced Code Block is written in markdown:

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "age": 25


This is how a footnote is displayed: Here's a sentence with a footnote. 1

Note: please go to the bottom of the page to see the footnote.

This is how a footnote is written in markdown:

Here's a sentence with a footnote. [^1]
[^1]: This is the footnote.


This is how a strikethrough text is displayed:

The world is flat.

This is how a strikethrough text is written in markdown:

~~The world is flat.~~

Task List

This is how a task list is displayed:

  • Write the press release
  • Update the website
  • Contact the media

This is how a task list is written in markdown:

- [x] Write the press release
- [ ] Update the website
- [ ] Contact the media


This is how an Info Alert is displayed:

Check out an info alert with a codeblock and a link!

This is how an Info Alert is written:

Check out an info alert with a `codeblock` and a [link](/themes/docs)!

This is how a Success Alert is displayed:

Check out an success alert with a codeblock and a link!

This is how a Success Alert is written:

<alert type= 'success'>
Check out an success alert with a `codeblock` and a [link](/themes/docs)!

This is how a Warning Alert is displayed:

Check out an info alert with a codeblock and a link!

This is how a Warning Alert is written:

<alert type= 'warning'>
Check out an info alert with a `codeblock` and a [link](/themes/docs)!

This is how a Danger Alert is displayed:

Check out an danger alert with a codeblock and a link!

This is how a Danger Alert is written:

<alert type = 'danger'>
Check out an danger alert with a `codeblock` and a [link](/themes/docs)!


This is how a list is displayed:


This is how a list is written in markdown:

  - Item1
  - Item2
  - Item3

<list :items="items"></list>


This is how a badge is displayed: v1.2+

This is how a badge is written in markdown:


Code Block

This is how a code-block is displayed:

yarn add @nuxt/content-theme-docs
npm install @nuxt/content-theme-docs

This is how a code-block is written in markdown:

# Backslashes are for demonstration

  <code-block label="Yarn" active>

  yarn add @nuxt/content-theme-docs

  <code-block label="NPM">

  npm install @nuxt/content-theme-docs



This is how a video is displayed:

This is how a video is written in markdown:

<video loop playsinline controls>
  <source src="./example.mp4" type="video/mp4" />


This is how a twitt is displayed:

This is how a twitt is written in markdown:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><a href="https://twitter.com/rlangvad/status/1352940444200669186?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"></a></blockquote>


This is how a youtube reference is displayed:

This is how a youtube reference is written in markdown:

<YoutubeSubscribeButton identifier="my-subscribe-button" channel="GoogleDevelopers"></YoutubeSubscribeButton>

  1. This is the footnote.