Front matter

Required fields

  • title (String)
    • The title of the page will be injected in metas
  • description (String)
    • The description of the page will be injected in metas
  • position (Number)
    • This will be used to sort the documents in the navigation

Optional fields

  • category (String)
    • This will be used to group the documents in the navigation (defaults to "")
    • If category is falsy or not a string, it is coerced to be an empty string, and isn't renderd in the sidebar.
  • version (Float)
    • Alert users that the page is new with a badge. Once the page is seen, the version is stored in the local storage until you increment it
  • fullscreen (Boolean)
    • Grows the page and hides the table of contents
  • menuTitle (String) v0.4.0+
    • Overwrites the title of the page that will be displayed in the left menu (defaults to title)
  • subtitle (String) v0.5.0+
    • Adds a subtitle under the page title
  • badge (String) v0.5.0+
    • Adds a badge next to the page title


title: 'Introduction'
description: 'Empower your NuxtJS application with this awesome module.'
position: 1
category: 'Getting started'
version: 1.4
fullscreen: false
menuTitle: 'Intro'

Introducing my awesome Nuxt module!